
1. First impression: we’ve never talked but holy moly your blog looks p awesome and i think i’m gonna follow you on my personal!!!!

2. Truth is: LETS BE FRIENDS so maybe i can see how cool u really are!!!!

3. How old do you look: i can’t find any selfies on your blog :(((

4. Have you ever made me laugh: hopefully in the near future!!! :-)

5. Have you ever made me mad: no no definitely not

6. Best feature: i checked your tagged/me posts and your hair looks really nice!!!!!! i miss my long hair

7. Have I ever had a crush on you: nope

8. You’re my: soon-to-be friend!!! hahaha i hope

9. Name in my phone: don’t have your numba babe

10. Should you post this too? hell YEAHHHHH