twerk-it-larry: Yall I’m honestly so unbelievably proud of Louis Tomlinson. When this all started...


Yall I’m honestly so unbelievably proud of Louis Tomlinson. When this all started out, he was the “funny one,” the one who was never serious, the one who avoided responsibility. He was the one who never got a solo. And more recently he’s become the boyfriend, the asshole, the homophobe, the attack dog. But Louis Tomlinson has never been one for monikers. All this time - and never more so than now - it’s been so incredibly clear that Louis Tomlinson is definitely complex but there are some undeniable attributes to him: loyal, strong, intelligent, innovative, brave, a true leader. He’s handled himself financially so well despite being so young, and he’s already taking on so much responsibility outside of the band with other acts, and he’s genuinely stabilizing a future for himself in the industry because this is where he deserves to be. This is what he’s good at. I’m just so glad to finally see him comfortable and ///happy///. I am so glad to see him free.